Friday, May 31, 2019

What Marketing Services Should I Spend Money On?

When it comes to marketing, there are so many things you can spend money on...a website, marketing collateral, newsletters, and more! So, what should you spend money on? Quite simply, the most important thing any business can have is a proper marketing foundation.

What is a proper marketing foundation?

Your marketing foundation is an important tool for any business wishing to generate more sales. Why? Well, people aren't stupid, so when they are approached by your organization or they see one of your ads, rest assured, they will do some additional research. If your company's online image isn't professional or it looks "fly by night," then you're going to miss out on a lot of sales.

In our opinion, we have found that our clients have the most success when they have the following marketing foundation in place:

  1. A website (professionally designed with good content)
  2. A Facebook page

That's it! So please, before you engage in any online marketing such as email newsletters or Facebook advertising, make sure you have a professionally designed website and a Facebook page. 

If you would like a quote on website development and Facebook page setup and design, just contact us at

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